
The module unpoly.up exposes the main Unpoly class which is used to communicate with Unpoly via HTTP headers. All the information of the Unpoly server protocol is exposed and easily accessable.

An example usage could look like this (request.up is enabled via the Django Integration):

def create_user(request):
    # Set a nice <title> for unpoly
    request.up.set_title("Create user |")
    if request.method == "POST":
        form = UserForm(request.POST)
        form = UserForm()
    # Do not save the form if unpoly is just trying
    # to validate a form field
    if form.is_valid() and not request.up.validate:
        instance =
        # Tell unpoly that the user was created successfully
        request.up.emit("user:created", {"id":})
        # and also close the layer
    return render(request, "template.html", {"form": form})
class unpoly.up.Unpoly(adapter: BaseAdapter)

The main entrypoint for communication with Unpoly

__bool__() bool

Returns true if the request is triggered via Unpoly.

This basically checks if the X-Up-Version header is set.

property cache: unpoly.up.Cache

Access to the Cache functionality

property context: dict[str, object]

Returns the current context. Initially this is X-Up-Context but the server can modify the returned dictionary to update the values on the client.

emit(type: str, options: dict[str, object]) None

Emit events to the frontend (X-Up-Events).

property fail_context: dict[str, object]

Returns the current failure context (X-Up-Fail-Context).

property fail_layer: unpoly.up.Layer

Access the current Layer configuration for failures.

property fail_mode: str

Returns the request’s failure mode (X-Up-Fail-Mode).

property fail_target: str

Gives access to the request’s failure target (X-Up-Fail-Target). If the server set a new target it will return that instead.

finalize_response(response: object) None

Finalize the response by settings required headers & cookies.

It should be noted that the response is passed as is to current adapter, which knows how to set headers on the response etc.

property layer: unpoly.up.Layer

Access the current Layer configuration.

property mode: str

Returns the request’s mode (X-Up-Mode).

Checks whether the response should set the _up_method cookie.

set_title(value: str) None

Sets the title so Unpoly can update the <title> tag (X-Up-Title).

property target: str

Gives access to the request’s target (X-Up-Target). If the server set a new target it will return that instead.

property validate: list[str]

Returns the fields Unpoly is trying to validate (X-Up-Validate).

property version: str

Unpoly version (X-Up-Version).

class unpoly.up.Cache(unpoly: unpoly.up.Unpoly)
expire(pattern: str = '*') None

Tell the client to remove all caches matching the pattern (X-Up-Expire-Cache).

keep() None

Tell the client to keep the cache.

class unpoly.up.Layer(unpoly: unpoly.up.Unpoly, mode: str, context: dict[str, object])
accept(value: Optional[object] = None) None

Accept the current layer (X-Up-Accept-Layer).

An optional value can be provided to be passed back to the client.


Current layer context (X-Up[-Fail]-Context).

dismiss(value: Optional[object] = None) None

Accept the current layer (X-Up-Dismiss-Layer).

An optional value can be provided to be passed back to the client.

emit(type: str, options: Optional[dict[str, object]] = None) None

Emit events to the frontend (X-Up-Events).

Similar to Unpoly.emit() but emits on the current layer.

property is_overlay: bool

Returns whether this is an overlay layer.

property is_root: bool

Returns whether this is the root layer.


Current layer mode (X-Up[-Fail]-Mode).